Global Temperature and Pollution Trends
In May 2018, the United Nation Secretary-General Antonio Guterres announced during the annual climate summit that he believes climate change is the most pressing challenge in the 21st century and an existential crisis to humanity. Following this statement, a young swedish climate activist named Greta Thunberg was able to gather millions of people to create a global movement to spread awareness about climate change. However, even after all the efforts put in by activists and experts the world is still behind in tackling this issue. Therefore, in the spirit of activism and spreading awareness of this existential crisis, our team has chosen the topic of climate change for our data visualization project.
The aim of this project is not to provide solutions to the climate crisis but rather to explore and open up discussion concerning the consequences of climate change. In this case, unlike many previous discussions and research on climate change, this project will not be discussing predictable consequences or complicated scientific models. But instead we want to illustrate the impact of climate change through the use of data visualization, that captures both the historical and immediate consequences of climate change. Therefore, we decided to mainly focus on the impact of climate change through the lens of rising global temperature and natural disasters. The reason for choosing this lens is because the impact of natural disasters is often the most direct and severe consequence of climate change. In addition, we also want to compare the impacts between different countries and evaluate between countries that are the most at risk to these consequences and countries that contribute the most to the issue. In essence, we want to investigate the relation between global temperature/natural disasters and emissions between different countries throughout the years.